How may a naturopathic consultation help you and other questions answered...

A general Yoga class will have a mixture of students of all ages and capabilities. Class sizes vary between 5-25 students. In Yoga Therapy I will work individually with the client to aim towards reduction of symptoms and functional improvement of the body to address the client’s unique health state. The aim is to empower you into simple self-practice of 15-20 minutes a day.

This can be done in online instructions as well as onsite.

Recommendations are given in form of a treatment plan that may include nutritional changes, herbal and/or nutritional supplements, homoeopathic remedies (acute), and suggestions for minor lifestyle modifications. All nutritional- and herbal recommendation will be counter-checked for interactions with doctor-prescribed medication. Recommendations may also include further tests to be taken and referrals to other health care professionals where deemed necessary.

A primary naturopathic consultation may last 1-1.5 hours. A thorough history will be taken, comprising of past medical history, tests taken, diagnoses given by a primary health care professional including medical prescriptions; presenting complaints, checking of all body systems, especially bowel, urinary and reproductive health and stress-factors, energy-levels and quality of sleep will also be assessed. I will also inspect your finger-nails and tongue.

Naturopathic treatment methods do not suppress symptoms but look for the root cause of the health issue. It is not a quick-fix however once the root cause is found and addressed there may be a lasting improvement of health.
This depends largely on your participation and compliance to the treatment plan but also how severe the health issue is and what other factors may be involved.

I am a clinical naturopath, not a doctor and have gone through three years of naturopathic school with a Naturopathic College in Australia. I am also a  certified Yoga teacher & therapist with over 25 years of experience.

Only a qualified Naturopath in Australia may become a member of a professional body such as and CMA and ATMS, who adhere to strict codes and guidelines with proof of education in the field before granting membership.

As a clinical naturopath I am trained to work in an integrative way with nutrition, nutritional and herbal medicine, homeopathy (acute) and in my case Yoga therapy. I may refer a client to a medical doctor, to do certain blood and other tests  (if necessary) and ascertain a diagnosis if none was given previously.

  • Menopause, Osteoporosis, Osteopenia
  • Low energy, Fatigue, Anxiety
  • Endometriosis, Hormonal Health Issues
  • Gut Health, Joint Health
  • Headaches, Migraines
  • Chronic Colds & Flues